
Creator: Vern Thiessen

``Watching the bravery of First Responders during the pandemic reminded me that we've been here before - and once again, it's women doing the work.``

Co-Writer: Amy Trefry

``Humanizing war - something viewed as inherently hyper-masculine - through the female gaze, is radical and political. It is stories like The Bluebirds that inspire me to be a filmmaker.”

Co-Producer: Rebecca Herr

``I come from a family of nurses. I see the sacrifice up close. I’m reminded by them that their jobs would have been unbearable in the dirt of the war. But as they do now, they did then. The best that they could, and then some.”

Executive Producer: Don McCUTCHEON

``Having had a family member at the age of 19 die in combat on August 11th 1918, WW1 has resonated with me from a very young age. When I watched Vimy, I was struck that after more than 100 years, the effects of war on our society and the youth we send to serve had not changed.``